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It seems that Americans keep creating "holidays" for an excuse to pig out and party, and apparently today is "National Ice Cream Day". I don't want to be a fat ass, so I treated myself to a little bit of Lula's Sweet Apothecary since I haven't been there in a while. I love Lula's because the place has an adorable old-fashioned theme and they hand-mix natural ice cream daily made from cashew nut, coconut or soy milk (based on which flavor you get). There are plenty of gluten-free options available as well, and everything is delicious! I'm not a hard-core vegan by any means, while I avoid meat, dairy and eggs, I do eat fish. No matter how much I love meat and cheese, I had to make changes in my diet because I'm lactose-intolerant and my body started rejecting meat a year or so ago. I hate to be a high-maintenance dinner guest, so I'll occasionally force myself to take a few Lactaids so that I can eat a bit of cheese or dessert. Whether I take the medicine or not, I still feel sick and bloated afterwards, which is not sexy! Luckily, there are places like Lula's where the gluten and lactose-free can enjoy their occasional treat. I'm glad that I don't live in the East Village, otherwise I'd go there far too often! Everyone I've taken to Lula's - vegan or not, is blown away by how delicious it is, so if you are in New York, go to Lula's!

This sundae is just an example of one of their delicious concoctions that I found online, I don't deserve THAT big of a reward until I'm more satisfied with myself!

Lula's Sweet Apothecary
(646) 912-4549
516 E. 6th St (between Avenue A & Avenue B)
New York, NY 10009
Neighborhood: East Village

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